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Aggregate the content I consume and create on the Internet.
🐦 RT @logseq: Logseq Whiteboards are here! 🖼️

We love to write in outlines, but an infinite canvas helps us to think more creatively.

That's why we've deeply integrated the Logseq outliner with @tldraw!

While still in beta, our Backers and Sponsors can start testing today👇 https://t.co/O9Ch6L9iyW

#retweet Logseq 🪵 (@logseq)
🐦 还是常常感慨互联网真是个伟大的发明,素未谋面的同路人因为一些推文、一些文章或是自己碎碎念的频道而相识相知,当自己出现在一个个人的年度总结和”鸣谢“清单时,受宠若惊之余也有些感动,这大概也是自己喜欢分享和写作的原因吧。 https://t.co/kGGSLHjFV5

#tweet pseudoyu (@pseudo_yu)
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